Fides Ukraine Initiative

The situation in Ukraine has touched us all, and it has inspired us to launch a new initiative.

We are seeking to, on a pro bono basis, help any Ukrainian lawyers who have landed in the UK, or those that intend to move to the UK, find suitable employment. We appreciate that most will want to be at home with their families, friends and loved ones for the time being, but we feel a degree of stability, by maintaining a career, could be a very good thing.

Since engaging with some of our clients, we have had expressions of interest around potentially hiring people with skillsets outside of legal, including finance, compliance, marketing, HR, administrative roles etc.

If you, or anyone that you know, is someone displaced by the war with a legal background, please fill out this form:
We will launch a form for non-lawyers as soon as possible.

If you work in the legal industry and would be interested in employing any lawyers who will be settling in Europe, please do not hesitate to contact We are conducting this initiative on a no-fee basis – our goal is to help displaced individuals and families.

We will partner with anyone working towards the same end, so please also share any useful ideas/connections with us that might help us all improve this situation.

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